The Philippines Fertility Rate has Dropped Below the Replacement Level of 2.1 Children Per Woman in 2022.
PSA has released initial data from the 2022 National Demographic and Health Survey on 13th November 2022 showing a 54% drop in fertility from 4.1 children per woman in 1993 to 1.9 per woman in 2022.
Every 5 years, the PSA conducts a national demographic and health survey (NDHS).
The 2022 NDHS survey was designed to provide information on population, fertility, family planning, marriage, child health, child survival, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reproductive health, nutrition, gender issues, and tobacco and alcohol use. The survey was conducted for 42 days from 02 May to 21 June 2022.
Preliminary results on fertility were published on 13th November 2022. These showed a more than 50% drop in total fertility in the Philippines between 1993 and 2022. Overall birth rates are now below the population replacement rate of 2.1 with rates in urban populations beeing considerably lower than in rural populations. This decline has been accelerating over time, with a particularly large drop into 2022.
If external forces, such as the Covid-19 injection campaign impact fertility in the Philippines the same way that they have been observed to be doing internationally, the Philippines may expect a further and even more dramatic drop in fertility in the coming months and years! When combined with probable excess deaths in 20221, the Philippines may well soon be headed for overt depopulation.
TheHighwire episode on 10th November 2022 discussed plummeting fertility rates and presented Dr. James Thorpe and a Whistleblower RN Michelle Gershman! They talk about unprecedented levels of infertility, miscarriages, birth defects, still births, and postnatal maternal and baby deaths. A letter shared during the episode, talking about increased still births in Ms. Gershman’s hospital is shown below: -
Dr. Thorpe and Ms. Gershman also talk about apparent complete denial and refusal of authorities to look at the situation, and the coverup in progress.
I am aware from various sources that menstrual changes, infertility, pregnancy losses, birth defects, still births and baby deaths are occurring in the Philippines. Birth rates also appear to be declining as apparent from PSA data.
There are many international authors decrying harm. These include statistician Joel Smalley, Dr. Tess Laurie sharing Mary Beth Pfeiffer’s work, Dr. James Thorpe who refers to the Covid-19 injections as The Most Egregious Violation of Ethics in the History of Medicine, Igor Chudov, Dr. Jessica Rose and Dr. Lyons-Weiler.
Australia is showing an apparent Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started.
The US VAERS System shows mass evidence of reproductive harm, in their known to be under capturing adverse outcomes database.
The US CDC refuse to acknowledge any signal of harm from their own system. They still unreservedly recommend Covid-19 Jabs to be given during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Their latest update is Oct 20, 2022.
They bold-faced lie saying these products are safe and not associated with any fertility problems.
The Philippines Recommends C19 Jabs for Child Bearing Women, During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
The Philippines Obstetrics and Gynecological Society (POGS) still maintains its 13 Jan 2022 Practice Bulletin recommending that Covid-19 Vaccination is suitable during any stage of pregnancy and for breastfeeding women. Last discussed by me here. POGS state “Covid-19 vaccination is recommended for pregnant women. There is no evidence of adverse maternal or fetal effects”. They recommend boosters, and doses during breastfeeding.
They acknowledge limited data on safety during first trimester. Then without evidence they conclude, “at present, no evidence of adverse effects”, and recommend injection anyway.
In light of the latest information emerging the POGS practice bulletin of 10 months ago is outdated and demonstrably wrong! Will POGS just follow the US CDC without question, or will they independently assess the mass of available data?
Surely it is well past time for thorough reassessment and for erring far, very very far, on the side of caution. No person with present or future reproductive capacity should ever receive these products. This includes all babies and children!
Please stop this willful blindness; I hope it is blindness because the alternative option that these professional bodies know exactly what is happening, what they are inflicting on the very mothers and babies that their sworn intent is to protect is too terrible to even contemplate. Please stop this insanity before we harm even more than have already been harmed, lose even more than have already been lost!
Mothers, parents, humans, listen to your deepest intuition and protect yourself and your children! Humanity’s future is now at stake and in your hands.
2022 registered death data is only being released very slowly and while the 2022 deaths appear to be “completely normal” following pretty closely 2019 death rates, the data appears “too good to be true” and isn’t actually good considering the nearly 300K excess deaths in 2021. Excess deaths in 2021 should have been followed by below typical deaths in 2022 if whatever it was that caused the excess deaths had already been removed.
Bravo SUPERSALLY! For fearlessly and clearly articulating the state of the crime and unfolding and crisis in the Philippines. THANK YOU! Everyone please SHARE! 🔥🔥🔥
I expect they will stop publishing this data at all soon...