Interesting commentary here. I do not agree necessarily that the constitution needs to change. However, systems definitely do need to change if the Philippines is to fully embrace the bright future she should have. https://www.philstar.com/business/2024/01/22/2327481/cha-cha-no-longer-bad-idea

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When Each One Dies

So Too Does A Piece Of The Bullshit

They All Believed.


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theres a petition at citizengo.org... stop the uns desperate pandemic treaty push its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including the phillipines it currently has almost 314000 signatures

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I wish that citizengo had a search bar. I couldn't find this petition within a few clicks. If there is a search bar, I missed seeing it.

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"PHILIPPINES POPULATION DECLINE MAKES HER NEIGHBORS UNEASY" A population decline in the Philippines would certainly be a cause for alarm. Indeed, I nearly had a heart attack when I read this misstatement of yours. Of course, it's not true at all. Please correct it!

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