Alexander Solzhenitsyn said of the Soviet tyranny that it all boiled down to one thing.. men had forgotten God... this situation is no different... and only God can bring it to an end.. heal it at the root cause..

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Excellent summation of what we witnessed. Thank you for documenting it because we need to remember what happened and how easy it was for them to implement all their draconian non-science.

We can’t be so easily fooled as a society again, it’s going to get worse before it gets better bc folk are still sleeping and have no idea what just happened.

I was talking to a young nurse from New Zealand who has come to Australia to work. Three years out from graduation, she became a Senior nurse in NZ. Because the real life senior nurses (with experience) have all left.

Australia pays double what nurses earn in NZ.

She still knew more than the junior doctors she was working with, they asked her what to do. Junior doctors are paid way more than nurses.

She’s just about finished with nursing, so disgusted with the mess. She’s hoping AU will be better.

The medical system is failing and falling because it’s designed that way!

I’ve written my first Substack article titled:

We breathe air not oxygen

I provide a new insight into lung physiology that discards the idea we exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. There has been a deliberate retardation of science and medicine.

And if your loved ones are ever offered oxygen you will be able to make an informed decision

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Wow! A tour-de-force of an article!

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May 11, 2023Liked by SuperSally888


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May 11, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

Excellent! Now let's challenge mainstream media (if they still believe that their profession is "noble") to PRINT THIS! Any op-ed columnists out there care to amplify? What about the SUPREME COURT justices ... are they robots that will only move if cases are filed? They don't read and let their consciences be struck by data, facts, documented observations and argumentation such as this? By the way, Sally, I'm not sure if I just missed seeing, but there seems no discussion here about "fudging of the numbers" like flu statistics disappearing almost completely in 2020 (and replaced by Covid-19?). And the "pandemic of testing" using an inappropriate test that its own inventor said is not intended for diagnosis but which was employed massively, up to now (a grand money-making scheme as with the killshots?)

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I was reading fast and didn't see the article listing how they decided to vaccinate the control group so early so that there would be no data on adverse effects.

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If your wrote a Sci-Fi story about this 4 years ago, no one would be able to suspend disbelief enough to read it.

But, the record of what has been done is out there, and can't be erased:


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This article should be printed in every media outlet to enlighten the vax herd to what has and is happening, only then if they read it they may wake up to the facts. There will still be the blind believers but some may learn to never fall for these treasonous mandates again

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May 11, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

It's an excellent summary. The 'narrative' was so simple that it was easy to sell it to the public and their 'leaders' (who are past masters at covering up their errors of judgement). The problem for dissenters is that debunking it is like untying the Gordian Knot. It's going to take a long time for the appalling truth to sink in. It needs clear and precise synopses like yours to get the message across to a wider audience.

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May 11, 2023Liked by SuperSally888


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You're most welcome, you did a great job summarizing horrible situation we have been living in., and I am saving this post because it's so inclusive.

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May 11, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

impressive work. respect. i could quibble about things burt i won't.

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May 11, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

Excellent post.

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You shouldn't trust the government again -- ever. Because they are actively working *against* the will of the people, for their own self-preservation.

Take a look at what the CDC says about quarantines, and property confiscation. I covered this in 2021.

*** The shielding approach is an ambitious undertaking, which may prove effective in preventing COVID-19 infection among high-risk populations if well managed. -->While the premise is based on mitigation strategies used in the United Kingdom, there is no empirical evidence whether this approach will increase, decrease or have no effect on morbidity and mortality during the COVID-19 epidemic in various humanitarian settings. <-- This document highlights a) risks and challenges of implementing this approach, b) need for additional resources in areas with limited or reduced capacity, c) indefinite timeline, and d) possible short-term and long-term adverse consequences. ***

They openly say, that there is no evidence that taking over neighborhoods, and confining people to their homes will have any positive effect on the outcome of a pandemic! Well then, what's the point? The point is to confiscate property, and force people into submission, all in the name of public safety.

What will the next "pandemic" look like. Truth is it won't matter, because the WHO is putting in place a plan to override the sovereignty of nearly every NATO country. Don't think it won't happen here in the US? Think again, the Uni-Party is invested in this outcome.

All you have to do is look at the US national debt. It's too large to *ever* pay back. Why would congress keep upping the debt ceiling? They don't care because they *know* that it will never be paid back. A new global currency is in the works. There will be something to the effect of a global bankruptcy. That's the only explanation for the way things have been run, and are being run.

What do you think?


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The thought of use in warfare has occurred but the visible fact seems to be the world wide penetration of the spike. It is a weapon against the world! If one jabbed country invades another and soldiers on both sides are as sick as I see the populace of each country, war is a futility. We need look further and even then the aggressors have created their own disadvantage unless they religiously use antidotes almost daily.

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Thank you for writing this……it needed writing and I’m grateful that there are people like you who put into words my thoughts and research so eloquently…..Bravo

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