May 6, 2022Liked by SuperSally888

As for me, I would have to agree that there was no Pandemic, but a well orchestrated Plandemic. Sad to say we we're all scammed for the past 2 years

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May 5, 2022Liked by SuperSally888

The explanation for low death statistics in 2020 was quite obvious. The Medical industry claims a number of the top causes of death putting it at number 3 after heart disease and cancer. In 2020 people stayed away from hospitals and clinics. The ones who were unlucky to get admitted for anything often died but all the hypochondriacs stayed away.

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The truths are to be clearly found in Sally's understandable stats. But yes it is a fact that when people stay away from hospitals and clinics the death rates go down. To add to her great work I offer the story of my 3 friends in Australia. All about my age and although previously healthy they allowed their involvement in the doctor at the hospital syndrome. just over 100 years collectively of medical treatments for around 50 diagnosed ailments. No ailments were cured or reversed in that time which cost the Australian Government over 10 million. They are all dead now obviously.

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