Deaths attributed to COVID in INDIA ignores the NORMAL fact that most deaths are caused by Pneumonia. Especially the Starving. Pneumonia is the END STAGE CAUSE OF DEATH. The Covid stats for INDIA have HIJACKED NORMAL Statistics and labeled them COVID. World Wide Covid is 99% MILD INCLUDING INDIA. UNFORTUNATELY IT IS VERY COMMON for More than 4,500 Thousand Children in INDIA DIE *DAILY* from starvation. That is over 1 million 600 Thousand every year! This Statistic has worsened since 2018. After 2-1/2 years Covid has only claimed 528,611. Starvation has claimed Over 4.3 MILLION!! It's EASY for the Government to flip the Statistics and claim COVID is the Big Killer. But in reality Covid is NOT A SIGNIFICANT CAUSE OF SERIOUS ILLNESS (99% MILD) and NOT a significant cause of Death. ESPECIALLY IN INDIA! https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/

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Absolutely and covid-19 (even if you want to give it any credence) typically only takes those who are severely compromised due to malnutrition, starvation, or other severe illness. covid19 was incidental. Deal with the underlying causes and covid-19 will be mild. The mass tragedy, fraud, and crime of funds diverted to covid (and mega corporations) instead of where it could really save lives and improve quality of life.

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What's really horrific are the hospital protocol-induced deaths that they produced and added to numbers of normal deaths that they fudged to create "Covid deaths." In 2020, the Phil. Statistics Authority reported negative excess deaths, so if there was a pandemic and people were dying in big numbers as they claimed that should have piled up on top of the natural trend of annual deaths. These hospitals clearly participated in murder and genocide. Their administrators, doctors and personnel have blood on their hands and must hang.

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Not sure being published in India will have a big impact - didn't Pfizer withdraw from the Indian market due to the government there insisting on local safety studies and not giving indemnity?

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