What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Stronger
This goes for the Covid-19 Virus too, which has been greatly empowered by human intervention: A discussion on Vanden Bossche's critical C-19 Vaccine concerns!
Silenced and ignored experts have been attempting to raise the alarm over both the management of public health and C-19 infections and more particularly over the vaccinate-in-a-pandemic approach since a vaccine was first proposed in early 2020.
One of the most qualified voices, among many greats, is that of Geert Vanden Bossche, an independent virologist and vaccine expert. You can see him here in Episode 266 of TheHighwire! His critically important presentation is very technical. Dr. Paul Alexander here , and here also provides some great technical and medical discussions on the points raised.
I am going to try to explain the key concepts as simply and succinctly as I can.
In a natural pandemic (newly emerged pathogen), which runs its course with no interventions there will be an initially high infection rate as the infection spreads through the population. People will either die (if the illness is severe or if they are very weak) or they will recover and will have permanent immunity to that infectious agent. They will also likely have at least partial cross-protection against future similar variants of that agent, and will be less likely to get seriously sick if they encounter it again. In time, the pathogen runs out of people to infect and dies out / drops to a very low level until there is once again a large enough population which doesn’t have natural immunity to allow another surge of infection.
The first figure below is what a mostly natural pandemic left to run its course looks like! Africa, with C-19 vaccine uptake somewhere around 15%! Low pre-outbreak level, short not-very high spikes for each variant, followed again by low level infections. Deaths are low and decreasing over time (possibly more population immunity).
This is what human intervention has done; lockdowns, hysteria, and vaccination with 2+ doses for most of their population. Australia, UK, Israel. Curious how the second wave of cases rose following vaccine rollout. The highest spike in new cases came when the population was mostly vaccinated, and the variant was further from the alpha strain. Fortunately the Omicron strain is mostly mild! Completely different axis scale to Africa.
Human intervention with our attempted Covid-19 vaccines have changed the course of nature! Devastatingly, it now appears.
Here are the key problems with the vaccines:-
They are inherently toxic and cause damage to recipients.
This is both from the effects of the artificial spike proteins generated, and from the other vaccine ingredients (lipid nano-particles, carriers, contaminants, etc.). The massive reporting of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI), and the huge worldwide rise in excess mortality tracking in parallel with their rollout is proof! Sudden unexpected deaths, heart and blood clotting conditions, cancers, dementias, autoimmune conditions, immune suppression (Vaccine induced AIDS), infertility, pregnancy losses, still births, birth defects are just a few of adverse outcomes.
They cause permanent changes to the recipient’s immune system affecting all future interactions with the C-19 virus.
It was hoped that permanent immunity to C-19 and its variants would be achieved. Instead, the recipient’s immune system is permanently skewed towards the first (legacy and now long-gone) variant in such a way that it can not mount an effective response to new variants. This is termed OAS (original antigenic sin). People now can and do catch the same strain of C-19 again and again, and at shorter intervals!
The vaccines are non-sterilizing. They do not stop covid-19 infection. They do not stop transmission!
This is the critical and ultimate failure! If this was an oversight it is unspeakable, if this was on purpose then it is planned genocide! The vaccines may reduce serious illness and hospitalization (true for the early variants, at least), which ironically has made the situation even worse. Infected people, not knowing they are infected can readily and unknowingly spread their infection.
So instead of stopping the virus dead in it’s tracks, human intervention has created an ideal environment for the virus to prosper and grow stronger. Viruses grow stronger by developing mutations that enhance their success (and survival) in their host population.
By aggressively vaccinating with non-sterilizing vaccines during a pandemic, humans have provided artificial pressure and driven the virus to adapt to avoid vaccine immunity.
By vaccinating with potent but imperfect immune modulators, vaccine recipients cannot fight the virus effectively and have become its ideal hosts. Recent data out of UK, US, Denmark, Canada and other places now shows that vaccinated persons (the more the vaccines the worse the outcome) are more likely than unvaccinated persons to have, be hospitalized and even to die from covid-19 infections.
It is the nature of viruses to mutate. Typically, in nature, they become more infectious and less pathogenic; how can they survive if they have killed their host? If the C-19 virus stays mild, without mutations, mass infection would not be a problem; after all humans and many microbes live in relative harmony in symbiotic relationships which developed over millennia.
However, we have snubbed nature, and are in the very early days of this pandemic, evolutionarily speaking. Covid-19 is a highly and rapidly mutating virus. The longer and more widely the now super infectious C-19 virus is circulating in the population, a population which is immune compromised thanks to the C-19 vaccines, the more time and chance it has to develop new mutations. Without doubt, simply by chance, there will be mutations that will add pathogenicity to infectiousness.
Vanden Bossche warns that severely pathogenic variants will likely emerge within the next few weeks to few months. If he is right (many are sure he is) we are looking at catastrophic population wide illness. His demanded actions:-
Stop the Vaccine Rollouts now! Immediately! Completely!
Infection prophylaxis for vaccinated persons! This would involve using known effective agents including ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, etc.
Unvaccinated persons can be allowed to develop natural immunity, though the illness should be treated appropriately, IF they get sick. Children, who cope well with C-19 are ideal buffers to develop true herd immunity, protecting the remaining population via their immunity. Any unvaccinated person who has already had C-19 will have at least partial protection against new variants, and each subsequent exposure will further strengthen and broaden their natural immunity (natural boosting by exposure).
Nature will do what man attempted to do and failed. The virus will run through the population until it burns itself out (runs out of susceptible hosts). Those who survive the illness and gain immunity will be just fine. Those who cannot gain immunity are at grave risk! Our arrogance playing God over C-19 may be our undoing!
The Philippines has a large young population who have already been exposed to C-19 and have natural immunity. The under 5’s here have not and must not be vaccinated!
We MUST preserve the unvaccinated now, every single one of them, to protect the vaccinated. We MUST stop vaccination immediately! Each and every day we lose more natural immunity!
All of us (vaccinated and not) MUST take measures to protect and strengthen our health. Our future absolutely depends on this! Let’s do it!
Probably the most logical post I have seen including all the scientists and doctors recent videos. They almost always offer revelation of the details of what is happening and an odd suggestion of something helpful. From them the discussion is getting more confusing than anything even to a natural therapist who is familiar with a lot of the medical terms and substances. The facts are that the Covid-19 pandemic described precisely in the New World Order book in 1989, was relatively mild and required channeling of large numbers of death certificates and a little push from 5G in the polluted cities of origin. Very few people died from C0vid-19, if any.
Sally's detail on excess deaths showed there wers many less than the normal number of deaths in 2020 because people stayed away from hospitals and clinics in lockdowns and fearmongering also kept them away. Less people died with less help from the medical profession until the vaccine rollout which has elevated the death numbers. Main Stream Media still believe Covid in its many variants also prepared a decade or two in advance, are causing the spikes in death statistics along with millions of coincidences. The secrecy over vaccine ingredients and the release of the Pfizer documents after a tight court battle, revealing seriously shrouded trial results is emerging as the biggest logical factor in those spikes and even the experts are confusing the discussion with a quagmire of antibody discussion which is going nowhere towards solving the problem.
The problem now is the billions of people who have received injections who are either sick, incapacitated, dying or completely unaware of the internal changes affecting their shortened life expectancy. While the MSM stays quiet and the masses complacent, all of the ingredients which have been confirmed have an element of toxicity (poison). The human race cannot keep accumulating toxins especially at these elevated levels without serious damage. This factor has given the scientists and doctors, not on the payroll, cause to imply the inescapable, impending death of all who have received the vaccines.
Those who believe in miracles like myself still presume some will be spared but the balance are in need of immediate action including the preventative and vaccine reversal measures available in a new book using natural methods.
What many scientists are referring to as the proliferation of blood clots appearing in the vaccinated bodies along with associated organ and gland damage is seen as irreversible. Identified by embalmers at some 90% and often running the full length of the body, the published images are quite frightening. Most medical protocol for this scenario involves very expensive operations unavailable to the working classes. Most medications will complicate the condition and take many months or years of treatment to alleviate. Action is needed!
Very beautiful. Definitely makes more sense than what was actually done.