Probably the most logical post I have seen including all the scientists and doctors recent videos. They almost always offer revelation of the details of what is happening and an odd suggestion of something helpful. From them the discussion is getting more confusing than anything even to a natural therapist who is familiar with a lot of the medical terms and substances. The facts are that the Covid-19 pandemic described precisely in the New World Order book in 1989, was relatively mild and required channeling of large numbers of death certificates and a little push from 5G in the polluted cities of origin. Very few people died from C0vid-19, if any.

Sally's detail on excess deaths showed there wers many less than the normal number of deaths in 2020 because people stayed away from hospitals and clinics in lockdowns and fearmongering also kept them away. Less people died with less help from the medical profession until the vaccine rollout which has elevated the death numbers. Main Stream Media still believe Covid in its many variants also prepared a decade or two in advance, are causing the spikes in death statistics along with millions of coincidences. The secrecy over vaccine ingredients and the release of the Pfizer documents after a tight court battle, revealing seriously shrouded trial results is emerging as the biggest logical factor in those spikes and even the experts are confusing the discussion with a quagmire of antibody discussion which is going nowhere towards solving the problem.

The problem now is the billions of people who have received injections who are either sick, incapacitated, dying or completely unaware of the internal changes affecting their shortened life expectancy. While the MSM stays quiet and the masses complacent, all of the ingredients which have been confirmed have an element of toxicity (poison). The human race cannot keep accumulating toxins especially at these elevated levels without serious damage. This factor has given the scientists and doctors, not on the payroll, cause to imply the inescapable, impending death of all who have received the vaccines.

Those who believe in miracles like myself still presume some will be spared but the balance are in need of immediate action including the preventative and vaccine reversal measures available in a new book using natural methods.

What many scientists are referring to as the proliferation of blood clots appearing in the vaccinated bodies along with associated organ and gland damage is seen as irreversible. Identified by embalmers at some 90% and often running the full length of the body, the published images are quite frightening. Most medical protocol for this scenario involves very expensive operations unavailable to the working classes. Most medications will complicate the condition and take many months or years of treatment to alleviate. Action is needed!

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Very beautiful. Definitely makes more sense than what was actually done.

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Immune system dysregulation. Copied from a FB post (not mine, a Raffy Castillo):

The value of nucleocapsid antibodies in this continuing saga: the paradoxical weakening of the immune system

Another recently published study in Nature April 2022 has noted that the fully-vaccinated who still died of covid had zero antibodies to the viral nucleocapsid. This is jarring, because another study had shown that those who had Moderna and recovered from covid also had lower level of antibodies to the same nucelocapsid, in contrast to those with natural immunity. That update here: https://www.facebook.com/100001161916737/posts/4966575910057757/

To quote this other study that involved autopsies of deceased vaccinees:

“The finding that negative nucleocapsid antibody testing was associated with strongly increased or generalized viral dissemination in fully vaccinated cases (Table 1 and Supplementary Table 2) further supports the hypothesis that the immune system of these patients was no longer able to elicit a primary response versus the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein, while spike-specific antibodies were often present or even boosted to high titers (Table 1 and Supplementary Table 2).” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41379-022-01069-9

This can explain why the boosted (triple-vaxxed) in BC are dying at far higher rates. They are unable to mount a sufficient neutralizing response against other components of the virus. https://www.facebook.com/100001161916737/posts/4969156899799658

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