What Have We Done To The Children? Peer Reviewed Thai Study Found Nearly 30% Of Children Had Cardiac Signs and Symptoms Following A Second Dose of The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine.
This changes the risk-benefit balance. Will this change the recommendation for Covid-19 Vaccination and Boosting of Children? Parents need to be told this information as part of informed consent.
I had lunch with a senior pediatrician doctor friend today. We discussed the just released Thai paper! My friend said “this changes everything”, and at the time same time confirmed that Doctors in the Philippines are not permitted to report any death as related to a vaccine, regardless of their own medical opinion! Any death after a vaccine injury may only be considered as correlated with the vaccine receipt, but never caused by it! Any doctor perceived as being “anti-vax” risks their job and their position, though seniority may save a few! My response, “you are not anti-vax, you are pro-safety of your patients! Isn’t that enough?”
Apparently that is not enough! This friend thinks it will take multiple high profile deaths and injuries before, maybe, anything will change. I speculate that perhaps there is far too much money, far too many loans with onerous conditions, far too many vested interests for the vaccine behemoth to readily change course, article.
Thai Paper Summary
This is an extremely important paper! Here is the preprint version. Here is the peer reviewed version, published just two days ago on 19th August 2022! Both are available for download in PDF versions from the links just provided. This paper is also very well discussed by Dr. John Campbell, here, which is worth listening to!
This is a prospective cohort study; meaning it studied students before and after receipt of a second dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. It collected baseline health data prior to the vaccine, and then at days 3, 7, and 14. This is a high quality, high evidence study! Apparently this is the only known prospective study on the covid-19 vaccines to date!! Anywhere in the world!
It enrolled 314 students aged 13 to 18 years old from two Thai schools. All were screened and confirmed to be have no health concerns prior to the receipt of the second dose of Pfizer. 301 students completed the study. 29.25% of students had cardiovascular manifestations. Two children were hospitalized, with one requiring ICU care. All students were reported by the authors to have recovered by day 14.
They had 7/301 students, 2.3% presenting with elevated cardiac biomarkers. My pediatrician friend said this is astounding, and very concerning! Healthy children never have elevated cardiac markers! Of these 7 students, 1 had overt myocarditis, 4 had suspected subclinical myocarditis, and 2 had pericarditis. The relatively small sample size could mask more serious outcomes. If for example, the death rate was 1/400 this study could have missed it!!
Of the original 314 Participants, 13 were lost to follow-up, 11 after baseline data collection (did they receive vaccination?), and 2 after the Day 3 Data collection.
Given the gravity of the findings it would be ideal to know why these students were lost. Could they have had such a serious outcome that they could no longer participate in the study, could they have died? 13 students lost to follow-up, when they were all enrolled students in two discrete schools; “captive subjects” so to speak! How could this loss happen and not be thoroughly investigated?
The study concludes that “the clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild and temporary”…. how would they know? They only followed up for 14 days! The vaccine effects, spike protein generation, and the immune response develop over weeks to months; they are not completed within only 14 days. It is ludicrous to conclude resolution within only 14 days!
Doctors such as Cardiologist Dr. Peter Mc. McCullough have said that myocarditis is never mild, and can have long-term sequalae! Despite their reassuring words on “mild and temporary”, the authors still state that “adolescents receiving mRNA vaccines should be monitored for cardiovascular side effects”. That alone is an alarming statement!
These nearly 30% cardiovascular manifestations were after the second dose of Pfizer in Thai Children. Will the rate of manifestations increase after a first or a second booster? It is known that adverse reactions to these vaccines are dose dependent.
Further studies are urgently required as a follow up to this paper!
It is an incredible failure of public health that this is the first paper of its kind to be published 22 months after the vaccines started rollout! This should have been done by the manufacturers during their clinical trials before these products were even brought to market, by the governments and health agencies in every single country that authorized these Emergency Use Products!
How can you know if something is safe if you refuse to look at, or for any safety signals? Or perhaps you knew it was not safe and were determined not to find a signal by not looking!! Don’t ask, don’t tell!
Implications for Children / Youth Who Have Received Pfizer Vaccines
The only way to know if a child has developed cardiac problems related to the Covid-19 vaccine is by doing clinical and laboratory analyses; troponin and cardiac enzyme levels, ECG, echocardiogram; MRI if damage is suspected. These are expensive tests, not routinely done on children. Cardiac damage in children may be asymptomatic (no symptoms). However, no symptoms doesn’t mean no damage. We also know that sudden unexpected death in children and young adults is nearly always cardiac related! Will 30% of double vaccinated children now be at risk of sudden unexpected cardiac death? What % of 3x or 4x vaccinated children will be at risk?
Medical management of myo and pericarditis is strict limitation of physical activity and excitement. Medications may be required! Ongoing medical monitoring is also required.
Parents whose children have received Pfizer vaccines need to be aware of these findings! They need to be very aware of any possible symptoms in their children, no matter how mild! They may be wise to have their children undergo cardiac health screening prior to participation in vigorous sport!
Healthy children and youth are not at risk of serious outcomes from Covid-19, particularly the current variants! Many also already have natural immunity from prior exposure over the past 2 1/2 years; immunity that is broad, durable, robust and more than sufficient!!
The bar for the safety profile of any Covid-19 vaccine given to children and youth must be very high! Children and youth must not face more risk from a vaccine than they do from Covid-19 itself! At worst Covid-19 for them, if even symptomatic, is a short, self-limiting infectious illness. How does that balance against the possibility of cardiac damage, autoimmune issues, increased cancers, and still unknown fertility and developmental consequences?
True informed consent would require more than an assurance of safe and effective. This is from the DOH website, today:-
Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines
What you need to know:
• COVID-19 vaccines that are granted with Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are considered safe and effective based on the available evidence to date.
• Vaccines are some of the most rigorously tested medical products today, and the COVID-19 vaccines are no different. The fact that the COVID-19 vaccines are available for use less than a year since the virus was discovered was not because corners were cut in the conduct of the clinical trials.
• COVID-19 vaccines cannot make you sick with COVID-19.
And as the health care systems everywhere break down and then cease to function, all of the injected children will die. They have killed the world and significant portion of of the next generation. There is nothing we do now... except wait for the dying to end and the ocean of tears to dry up.
What I truly find abhorrent here is the fact that the local forces, PNP included have forced vaccinated the children of cops and are now o\looking at 1st booster for the children and 2nd for the force. Children have NO SAY!