And as the health care systems everywhere break down and then cease to function, all of the injected children will die. They have killed the world and significant portion of of the next generation. There is nothing we do now... except wait for the dying to end and the ocean of tears to dry up.

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Yes, we must steel ourselves for what has started and will get much worse. I wonder where the original trial participants are. They should still be being followed. How many have been lost to followup?

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I was looking at the UK and US vaccination dates yesterday to try to understand the (UK government reported) dramatic increase in excess mortality, ambulance shortage driven by wait times to unload patients into full hospitals, and the use of police to take people to the hospital. I realized the difference between there and here is... they had 15 million vaccinated by the middle of February 2021 and 35 million vaccinated by the middle of March 2021. We started later but had 100 million vaccinated by March 19, 2021. So their first 15 million vaccinated are starting to die, get sick and need to go to the hospital. That would make the beginning of serious illness (and maybe the beginning of the mass death) to begin roughly 18 months after the first injections were given. So that would mean the shit-will-hit-the-fan here in September and October. Anyway my point here is that looking at these numbers is really disturbing. World Data is reporting 67.5% of the planet's population has one injection or more. This means that nearly 6 billion people have been poisoned by this injection. These numbers are impossible to comprehend. It almost makes me physically ill to think about what is going to happen. I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought was, "My God, they've killed the world and now they are killing children"

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What I truly find abhorrent here is the fact that the local forces, PNP included have forced vaccinated the children of cops and are now o\looking at 1st booster for the children and 2nd for the force. Children have NO SAY!

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weep for our children

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Per the FDA, “Health fraud scams refer to products that claim to prevent, treat, or cure diseases or other health conditions, but are not proven safe and effective for those uses.”

We have Brix saying she knew the vaccine didn’t work, and we have the CDC changing the definition of what a vaccine is. Yet we have, on record forever, numerous high level entities claiming, vigorously that the vaccine will stop you from catching COVID. Full stop. That was the claim. “You will NOT catch, or spread COVID, with this vaccine.” So where did they get this data, hmmm? From the pharmaceutical companies.

Now what needs to happen, is teams of lawyers need to find every widow, every person who was vaccinated yet hospitalized with COVID, who can claim that they relaxed their personal security because they were vaccinated.

I want to see people crying “I only left the house because they said I was safe.” “I only visited grandma because they said I was safe.”

And I want to see lawyers suing every last one of these bastards for personal injury.

The evidence is there. People died, people got hospitalized, people got permanently injured because they were told they were protected, which was a lie. Fraud.

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