Well written, well sourced post, thank you. I like the way the Chinese made the point the SARS2 did NOT come from animals (Ha ha - yes it DID come from Humans - the ones competitively making bioweapons!). I keep seeing articles from time to time, that deer herds, etc., are "reservoirs" for SARS2. I do not believe that, given that the Covid PCR "tests" gets used as the basis for the assertions (as they are for finding Avian Influenza, despite necropsies not showing any evidence of the infection - I'm not saying infections do not happen, just that the mandatory PCR "testing" is not accurate. AI is very obvious and swift when it happens, farmers and backyarders don't need no stinkin' PCR "tests," IMO). PCRs still have big problems even when they purportedly look the SARS2 envelope or other targets. The first PCRs didn't even have anything related to the SARS2 sequences involved, were allowed until 12/31/2021 despite a 97% false positive rate, and fauXi and the CDC admitted that! The CDC "test" EUA application claimed CDC didn't have any SARS2 sequences available (Yeah, they did. They had reliable SARS tests available that would work, as SARS2 shared 78% of SARS' genome.) so they "chose" from their genetic library, influenza A&B, Strep, Adenovirus, and plant virus (WTH? though that could perhaps pick up contamination in the nasal cavity just from ordinary breathing), and used questionable primers, plus too high a # of cycles (which I believe they still do.) Serology seems to perform much better, the drawback being it needs 1-5 days to call a result. However, all of the SARS2s are clinical diagnoses as are respiratory infections in general. (Dang it I do go off unnecessarily, I apologize).

I saw recently news that some zoos (I hope not all - didn't they learn?) here in the US are talking a booster campaign for their animals - OMG!

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The insanity virus load is still infecting politicotards world wide.

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