Thanks SS.

Probably be useful to check the orders & the delivery notes.

100% sure there will be a massive discrepancy. Bi££ion$ in the wrong pockets for definite.

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How can you Misplaced, lose, or not know where 44 Million doses of a vaccine that is supposed to be kept frozen. Why not look in the Freezers! Billions of $php$ pissed away. It's obviously NOT a serious illness when the SO CALLED life saving drugs go missing and when more people Die in the Philippines over the past three years from the very common cause of STARVATION. A 5 php (10¢)bowl of rice could solve that and prevent the ALWAYS SERIOUS AND FATAL starvation of over 36,000 kids yearly in the Philippines. But there is NO PROFIT in that, like the profit of the deals with big Pharma.

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