24 hrs agoLiked by SuperSally888

Total horror movie we've fallen into, it's like Jonestown, yet people have been hypnotized by the propaganda... Including those delivering the propaganda I feel.

I'd have been conned if I hadn't studied microbiology many years ago at uni... I'd like to know how many microbiologists took this poison... It defies logic to interfere with this system, ever... We do not and can not know enough to meddle at the foundational level of our health and expect a successful result... I've often said until we can say "beam me up" and be reassembled successfully somewhere else, it is only then that we know enough to interfere at the genetic level...

I had to pull out my old uni textbook, to check I remembered everything correctly, and yep there it was in black and white, the basic science... what the hell are we doing interfering with our bodies on the most basic level?

Raven and Johnson "Biology" (1989) which had some great colour diagrams around page 302, and very clear explanations of our cellular operations.

Not sure that you could practically carry a copy of that around though... But the few paragraphs on page 309, which always helped me understand how it all fits together, spells everything out... once this is understood... anyone would be be just as horrified as I was by the mere suggestion of putting "errant" man made mRNA code into any cell...

From Raven and Johnson , page 309 explanation of mRNA transcription and translation in broad terms (I added the capitals for emphasis ):

"REGULATING GENE EXPRESSION... A CELL must know not only HOW to make a particular protein, but also WHEN.

"It is important for an organism to be able to CONTROL WHICH of its GENES ARE BEING TRANSCRIBED, AND WHEN.

"There is, for example, little point for a cell to produce an enzyme when the enzyme's substrate, the target of its activity, is not present in the cell.

"Much energy can be saved if the enzyme is not produced very much until the appropriate substrate is encountered and the enzyme's activity will be of use to the cell.

"From a broader perspective, the growth and development of multicellular organisms entails a long series of biochemical reactions, each DELICATELY TUNED to achieve a precise effect.

"Specific enzyme activities are called into play and bring about a particular change. Once this change has occurred, those particular enzyme activities cease, lest they disrupt other activities that follow.


"The hereditary message is played like a piece of music on a grand organ in which particular proteins are the notes and the hereditary information which regulates their expression is the score.

"Organisms control the expression of their genes largely by controlling WHEN the transcription of individual genes begins (Figure 15-15).

"Most genes possess special nucleotide sequences called regulatory sites, which act as points of control. These nucleotide sequences are recognized by specific regulatory proteins within the cell which bind to the sites."

I find emphasis on the words capitalised above, plus the bit about the music on a grand organ, the fact it is all delicately timed, for a specified time, when the conditions are just right, when the right substrates are present...

To interfere in this delicate process (at any time) with inserting man made mRNA code could (and does) cause catastrophic events within the cell leading to overall collapse of the multicellular organism whether that be cellular dysfunction, enzyme and hormone disruption, cellular death, tissue necrosis, autoimmunity or cancer...

WTF are we doing to humanity?

How TF are doctors somehow not aware of this basic mechanism of cellular function? Seriously how can they NOT see the immediate danger of this interference??

Who is the pied piper making everyone go along with this Jonestown style poisoning event?

Covid was never serious enough to tinker with our cells genetically, the antibodies produced were not worth the method to produce them (apart from the fact they were at best useless, IgG antibodies not really going to prevent or stop a respiratory disease, IgA antibodies are what were required in the mucous membranes)

I'm sharing this article around, but just as before, it will fall on deaf ears I'm sure... I've managed to awaken some... But unfortunately not enough people will listen or consider, even if they know someone with an injury, they think it's an allergic reaction, rather than a genetic reaction that will happen to everyone... and depending on where the payload lands will determine the effect on individual health...

I hope I'm wrong but the basic premise of these injections has death and injury written all over them, by design.

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Beautifully put. Yes, I studied microbiology, physiology, pharmacology at Uni. I could not conceive that these products could possibly be safe given a basic understanding of human and cellular biology!

Then there is the small fact that these are made by among the most criminal corporations on the planet!

Pushed by the WHO which certainly has one-world-government aspirations and eugenicist funders.

How could I not be hesitant. I cannot understand how so many could have trusted so unquestioningly. Even those with similar training as mine and yours!

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Absolutely... I can't believe anyone with basic knowledge of cellular function would risk taking anything like this... Glad you felt the same... I'm still gobsmacked that they're pushing this gear, as far as I can tell it is a mass depop op, there is no other reason I can imagine... I initially thought OMG what a big mistake, but then it not being voluntary, and not being pulled after the deaths and injuries... The insane propaganda around the jab, like a dystopian movie... The penny really dropped...

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Thank-you for this, Steve. I have been trying to explain this to many people over the last nearly 4-years, to little avail. I am planning to copy & paste your comment into as many other comment sections as possible (I subscribe to several substacks)

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21 hrs agoLiked by SuperSally888

Didn't the ABS meddle with the figures including changing their calculation for expected excess deaths?

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ABS have said they will create a new baseline. against which to assess excess deaths. Modeled or calculated, probably with the final annual release. Certainly we won't be allowed to refer to prepandemic deaths. They have also changed their method of calculating death rates.. post pandemic... so they can't be compared with prepandemix rates. How very clever! Disinguenious

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So they won't use a baseline in their reporting, but we can go and manually compare to the previous baseline data I assume?

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Most numbers are 'massaged' to hide the true DEATH RATE of the 'VACCINES'. Most 'Authorities' don't regard a person being jabbed until 21 days AFTER the evil deed was done! So any of the JABBED that die within three weeks died of 'NATURAL CAUSES'. You gotta be kidding? Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer!

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24 hrs agoLiked by SuperSally888

This Is amazing when you consider how good we have become at keeping people alive, especially procedures for cardiovascular issues. It would be nice to see this normalized per population cohorts and dare I say it, vaccination status.

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Steve Kirsch is doing a lot of work on this. It appears now the more the doses, the worse the health and survival outcomes.

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Thank-you Super Sally...great work!

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be aware tedros and his cronies at the who are determined to have the pandemic treaty done and dusted by the end of the year

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So, yet another of our Conspiracy Theories seems to be coming to fruition (- like most have already done so).

'Excess Deaths' in Australia continue to be way above the national 'average'. 21% Excess Deaths - above 'base'. That's 'scary' enormous, of not unbelievable. What could be causing this phenomenon? But still, they keep pushing the DEADLY injections they pretend are 'VACCINES' and the Muppets go along with the Cull. Bless their souls = may they RIP!

An extra 1 in 5 has died 'cos of the death Shot - but still, they keep pushing the deadly myth!

Would anybody really accept a, 'EXPERIMENTAL' injection that was created in a few months, with no proof of efficacy or safety? Even the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) was cheated by the FDA on behalf of Big Pharma's desire for profits without LIABILITY! Total unacceptable nonsense!

We, the clean blood UNVAXXED, believe it's the deadly, poorly conceived, rushed and 'blagged' Covid jab.

Furthermore, we ardent Conspiracy Theorists believe the jab was a profit-making and DEPOPULATING venture. Time will prove that we got yet another New World Order (WEF) prediction 'spot-on'.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer!

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21 hrs agoLiked by SuperSally888

Cancer deaths are really kicking in now after the earlier clot related deaths

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Cancer deaths are really kicking in hard now.

For the first time in my life, I have cancer cases in my immediate circle. These are turbo cancers, came on very suddenly. These people went from apparently completely well, to stage 4 cancer and dying, within only weeks.

Discussing with friends as well. Everyone knows someone (often multiple people) who are fighting cancer or have recently died from it.

We are only at the beginning of this outcome! As my very good MD friend says, we haven't seen anything yet, compared to what is coming.

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Thanks, yes I'm seeing multiple serious cancers now, one terminal and one stage 3 bowel. Younger people too

Previously would hear of someone getting cancer every few years at absolute most.

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Tracking the excess weekly deaths above the 2015 - 19 mean from 2020 until end 2023, it was clear the OZ and NZ lay in the same regional 'experiment' tracking each other with nigh perfect concordance. Authorities and to a great extent the populace, remain thoroughly compliant and silent. Eventually however, people will cease to stand in line to await their probably demise. But just how long before they awaken appears anyone's guess?


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Confounding factor is the imported increase in total population over the last four years.

Who are the people that are dying? The imports? or those who were here at the time?

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoAuthor

Assuming most of the imports are working age, they shouldn't be dying in great numbers. The heaviest death burden is in retirees.

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I am on your side, but these statistics are not showing hockey stick behaviour only a fairly mild uptick and are always accompanied by words like "massive collapse," huge jump" etc.

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16 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

Deaths are likely due to a combination and interplay between patients' comorbidities, the interaction between jabbing history and the pathogens circulating at the time (how much the patient is disadvantaged by immune-imprinting from jabs is going to vary, plus there are the endotoxins common to vaccines, which adults usually don't get such a dosage of as we've had recently), available healthcare and jab-batch variability. And conditions initiated/exacerbated by the jabs. Which may increase morbidity and mortality, but not always immediately.

Some more analysis re this: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/most-variation-in-all-cause-mortality

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