For New Zealand,I have looked at the 9-year regression, using 2011 to 2019, to extrapolate the eclxpected death rates in 5-year buckets. In nearly every age group, death rates have been declining over that period. It s disingenuous for ABS to use a single year baseline as it hides the trend. Using annual deathbrates I calculated 4000 excess deaths in NZ equating to 20000 in Aus on a population basis. If one uses trends based on weeks, rather than years, the number will be higher, since seasonal death rates are extrapolated. Another criticism of the ABS method, which is also used by the NZ government, is to ignore the effect of border closures. This reduced deaths among the elderly as there was no circulating influenza inthe winters of 202-2022. This reduced the baseline death rate in the Covid years, meaning something else was causing deaths to compensate for these missing deaths and yet there was still 11.7% inceease above the influenza baseline. Also, as seen in NZ, only 45% of Covid deaths are attributable to Covid alone, mainly elderly, and another 20-25% where Covid "contributed". It all depends on how the death certicate is competed. If the docs wan to hide Covid, they can. If they want to hide jab effects, they can. I use my mother as an example; 4 morbidity, including a Coid infection on the Death Certificate.

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Thanks. I will look at the expected deaths by age-group for Australia in the next few days. Likely it will show the same patterns of reducing deaths in most age-groups, until 2021. I saw the same with Singapore's data. Steep decline in mortality for the elderly, with a sharp about turn once the jabs rolled out.

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Exactly. This is theargument against an aging population. The reason the populationis aging is because people are not dying prematurely. For example, in NZ, the death rate for 90+ year Olds dropped from 280/1000 in the 1990s to 210 pre-pandemic, then shot up to 235 in 2022 and 225 in 2023. The trend line for those two years was 205.

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beware the pandemic treaty is NOT dead in the water as many believe in fact its going to be back much sooner than you think check out the james roguski substack for the details

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Yes, absolutely the WHO are planning to push their diabolical agenda through. While we are distracted with Olympics fiascos and the failures of the woke agenda, while we are watching war starting with Iran and Israel (at least among those people who have moved their eyes from the Olympics dramas for a few seconds), while we are watching the farcical attempts to make bird flu the next pandemic... the WHO is at work.... we must not get distracted.

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SuperSally, this is a very fascinating and well done report. The genocide is so obvious. Something fundamentally has changed in the bodies of humanity. From a control chart perspective, something fundamental has occurred from 2021 and the CENTRE CAN NO LONGER HOLD.

This work literally needs to go everywhere especially to all AUSTRALIANS. It's that bad and yet we have a govt distracting the populace and solely pre-occupied with regulating 16yr old from accessing stupid social media. Oh more OUT OF TOUCH CAN THEY BE.

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Thank you... I feel like my efforts are against a blank wall... hopefully that wall will crack. I will persist.

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Pls do... and never give up.

It's the fight of our lives and perhaps unlike some i only woke up in late 2020 b4 it was too late.

BTW, what does B1, B2 Vulnerable and B2 General mean in one of the graphs above. The graph says a lot and comparing 2022 Australia with the 2021 Phillipines shows this was and is an ongoing genocide and the doses are varied. It's so obvious from all these incontrovertible data that there was no pandemic either, all we had was a psyop to get the whole population to receive an GENETIC INJECTION.

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Yes, it is the fight of our lives! We are fighting for the future of humanity on this planet!

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Thank you! B1 is booster 1, B2 booster 2. There was rollout to vulnerable people before general rollout.

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'EXCESS DEATHS' will continue because all those that succumbed to the Covid Vax con will have already been permanently damaged by the poisonous injections that carry NO LIABILITY from the makers! The damage is done and, in my opinion, is irreparable!

Each jab diminishes natural human resistance to all illnesses and furthermore, those that think they 'dodged the bullet' after the Covid jabs AND unregulated 'BOOSTERS', will find out in time that their Life Expectancy has been impacted (cumulatively) by between 3 and 5 years for every jab accepted.

No LIABILITY is a reason to avoid ALL injections - particularly Gene Editing mRNA jabs that seems to have been designed to destroy human health.

No more jabs, whatsoever, until LIABILITY is reintroduced for every vax injury and VAX RELATED DEATH! END OF STORY!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil medical intervention!

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check out and read most carefully a petition at citizengo.org break free from un control reject the international health regulations..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets from any country in the world including yours it currently has over 22000 signatures

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I am wary of petitions as they seem to be useless. If sent to government, they may get lip service then shelved. It's pretty obvious all governments are ignoring the carnage and pressing on with globalist plans.

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