Thanks again Sally.

The mere fact the ABS decided to add 2021 to the baseline avg. data is muddling the waters considering that was a "pandemic year" and also most of the population got injected during that year with their first two series. Those two events can be considered significant outliers knowing now that they easily induced death in the populace rather than save people as we were made to believe

In my view, the baseline avg should only be pre pandemic vs post pandemic excluding 2020 mostly. That way we can truly see the real state of affairs.

Thanks again.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

So true, especially with jabbed deaths inside 90 days of injection. I can't believe that half of the senate voted not to investigate. I can't help but believe this translates to half of the senate is corrupt and "in" on it; only other reason to playing Hide the Info is willful blindness, not wanting to acknowledge the reality. Either of which is grounds for dismissal from the leadership/ governing role.

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I've had to sadly conclude that, unfourtunately, things are going to have to get a lot worse--undeniably worse--before people really sit up and take notice.

I've said elsewhere that we need something big and unmistakable that'll shock people out of their slumber. It may have to be a sports-related--perhaps entire seasons need to be cancelled due to athletes' health. Or maybe we see a number of NHL, NFL, or NBA athletes collapse on the ice/field/court on live television.

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They don't like the truth so it's easier to stick their heads in the sand and ignore it. Or perhaps they were paid exorbitant amounts of money to ignore it.

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Where did the ABS come up with the idea of creating a 5-year window that leapfrogs 2020 and 2022?

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I get that 2022 is such an outlier that it shouldnt be considered in the baseline. However, 2020 was not outside typical ranges. Forecast methods could also have potentially been used, but weren't.

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True. 2020 had major death deficiencies due to border closures, resulting in no influenza. Border closures also result in stalled population growth, which is the major influence on death numbers over time. Is the ABS unique in using an average of only 4-years? And why are they not using regression to predict trends?

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Different countries use different methods. Philippines simply compares directly against the immediately prior year. They arrive at death rates per population, eventually...s few years late.

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