It is with great regret that I click on the heart icon to "Like" this posting...terrible news, but I thank you for publishing it.

Thank you for your vigilance!

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Why do you or anyone still call IT "gene therapy"

if anything it's a gene destroyer

for real it is a toxic concoction to do what it did and still does - KILL and MAIME -

and the true reason why it needed to be kept extremely cold in storage still needs to be told...

Guesses are only few - which one though ???

Let's figure together , shall we ?

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your beds are burning...

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"...we carry in our hearts the true country and that cannot be stolen..."

I shall return with my 5 cents as to 'The Thing'...

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Pfizer's, Moderna's, J&J's, etc, mRNA injections seem to be deliberately poisonous! Their new mRNA jabs are doing everything they were planned to do = "Kill as many people as possible without causing concern to our complicit and cooperative Governments!" That's my guess!

None of these poison manufacturers carries any culpability for INJURIES and Vax-Induced DEATHS caused by their useless crap! Is this the end of 'VACCINES' as we knew them pre-2019, when they were LESS DEA#DLY and were effective to some extent?

Nobody trusts the medical profession any more because, at best, they collaborated in silence. At worst, they knowingly killed their patients.

My local MD stated, when face to face and asked about 'Excess Deaths and ZERO LIABILITY, he stated "Yes, it's a mess isn't it" followed by "but what can we do about it?"

This told me he knew exactly what has been, and is, going on and that the Cull of Humanity was/is a deliberate, well-planned and calculated project!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without taking another dubious injection from evil medics!

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