Mar 22, 2023Liked by SuperSally888

They'll just farm medical marijuana and open up dispensaries, I reckon. At least folks who can't afford oncology or expensive retreats/treatment can die stoned :P

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Big Pharma hates weed; tried to make a synthetic version but it didn’t work so I doubt they are going to be masking pain other than “mercy” killings. Perhaps they’ll still call it dying with dignity. I would expect pain and suffering will be manipulated to scape goat whom ever is targeted.

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100% Correct re the megapharmas synthetic weed didn't work. Now know why it's being legalised world over. Get them all stoned. Be easier to trick, fool, scam them.

Time to really clear out the swamps in all of our countries.


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Thanks SS. Horrific. Not just in the Philippines. World over cancers skyrocketing.

Time to reclaim all of our governments.


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