
Response from PAO, via X.

"Misleading. In truth, (the) first 8 dengvaxia death cases only was dismissed. They are subject to certiorari at Court of Appeals. There are 35 separate dengvaxia death criminal cases still pending trial and more than 100 remaining dengvaxia death cases for filing by DOJ prosecutors. About 165 civil dengvaxia death cases still pending at another Regional Trial Court of Quezon City. Hence, Fake news are being scattered by the dengvaxia spearheaders".

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Good to know. At least there is still some hope. Prayers ramped up for justice and rightness to prevail!

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Sep 10Liked by SuperSally888

As a retired lawyer, it is obvious to me that judge is serving other interests, not justice, not the law, not the evidentiary rules in adjudicating cases. Given the increasing harms and deaths, he is willfully aiding and abetting murder and manslaughter. It makes me so angry, my eyes sting with tears. I will work on more focused prayer. Sally, which organizations do you think are most effective in working to help turn these evils around, that I could donate something to?

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Hi. Thank you for your prayers, indeed! We need to be bombarding the heavens that these injustices could be addressed. At this point I am not aware of any local lay / citizen organization that is working to counter this! I hope that the legal team will somehow be able to move forward to challenge this further / that PAO will be able to take further actions! I will get back to you!

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Prayer will not be enough. Action and effort will help others understand what has been blatantly going on since 2019. Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Working on what we can do. Prayers do help as they put intent and energy forward... which in turn needs to move to action. The response from PAO is reassuring, confirming that this is far from over.

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Sep 10Liked by SuperSally888

Cebu had quite an active community of people who are aware of the agenda and getting involved in their local government.

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That's comforting to know

Thnk you

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Is nice to read pple like you Sally and Nicanor helping Pinas to protect itself from western "solutions". CCH was a great help to awake the ones who always listen to their internal 'voice'.

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'Vaccines' mean something totally different to the word vaccine 10 years ago. Today, the word VACCINE should leave you fearing what is intended by these new breed of deadly mRNA jabs.

Why would anybody accept any of these experimental jabs? None of the dangerous mRNA jabs has been proven to reduce the impact of the man-enhanced virus. The manufacturers seem to be unchecked for claims of SAFETY and EFFICACY! They accept NO LIABILITY for injury or deaths caused.

The New World Order are ready to release the next Scamdemic and If we again leave Safety checking to the manufacturers 'in house', we can only expect more of the same shenanigans. They will again, with the aid of their friends in the FDA & CDC, disguise or hide vax related 'Excess Deaths'. Deceit and skulduggery will again be rampant because the FDA, CDC, NIH are allowed to 'police' their friends at Pfizer, Moderna, etc, because Big Pharma has these organisations in their pockets!

Will the new Japanese 'Replicon' jab manufacturers be subjected to LIABILITY for any/all injuries, long term permanent side effects and Vax deaths associated with of these experimental 'poisons'?

I think I'll pass on the invitation to participate in future injected experiments which give pharmaceutical companies freedom to ignore any/all LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS that follow their deadly jabs.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Unjabbed - we'll all live longer in a Free World!

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So the experts could not make the case cause they weren't experts enough...

Well when comes to pharMAFIA it's not so difficult to dismiss 60+ deaths of children (or not) with "underlying" conditions. Perhaps the corpses, just perhaps, had been prior innoculated with mRNA mixed with monkey DNA fragments from the "trust the $cience" CONvid shots, maybe not even as these new created dengue "solutions" jabs are what they really are; just experimental new $cientific human erasers...

Poor Pinas once more being fooled.

Gladly I bet there are many awekenings happening there too as should be.

Covid call for humanity (CCH) was right all the way.

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Mrs Sally did you see this https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1833198800917107137.html

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That is damning! The callousness also struck me! Complete lack of humanity.

🚨Mr. Cuomo’s team made a deliberate decision to exclude certain COVID-19 related nursing home deaths — a decision that hid the true nursing home mortality rate.

When pressed to explain why his Administration undercounted nursing home deaths, Mr. Cuomo callously remarked “— let’s say there’s a 3,000 differential, 2,500. Who cares? What difference does it make…”

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