"There's an issue in their lifestyle. Vaccine-related? Come on, covid19 vaccines are proven to be safe and effective! Blame other things, but never our vaccines, PERIOD" says DOH

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DOH Philippines and FDA Philippines claim vaccines can do no il! No matter if you die on the spot where you were jabbed it is still due to underlying conditions! I know from personal contacts that some of these people were jabbed. Actually, considering that entertainment venues needed proof for entry, and it was compulsory for travel, pretty sure that all were!

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So miserable! How do we call that kind of thinking from our health officials? -grossly evil!

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So we Pure Bloods will watch as one by one the vaccinated die until they are all gone. It’s ironic that the silence of everyone in the government, healthcare and the media (all vaccinated) will only end when they are gone too.

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These "unexpected" deaths are not isolated. They are worldwide! Those who are quick to deny adverse reactions and deaths related to Mrna injections simply have not been paying attention or are incredibly simple minded. It is only going to get worse say an increasing number of experts.

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When will DOH report on autopsies???????

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`I tried to send an FOI asking about DOH autopsies. they did not answer adequately. Perhaps they are not doing any independent ones.

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Nah, they have the info and do not want anybody to know.

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