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For me I feel we are way beyond being apprehensive. Fulmich has been planning and preparing his legal cases for a full year after deciding the jabs were deadly, Dr Martin is screaming murder and pushing court cases. Another 200 approx Drs and medical scientists are telling of death and destruction most saying irreversible. Time to push for more individual and class actions in the courts of Ph. They ae playing with us here using low dose and maybe placebo inclusion to control the death rate so we will stay complacent. But the deaths are clearly happening. Sudden, unexpected deaths have gone from rare to normal since vaccination.

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No, the deaths are happening here. They are just being covered up by non release of data. We hear word of mass deaths in PNP and AFP, and among the cadets. This is a matter of national security already! I cannot understand why those who already know what is happening, there are ma.y who already know, are not speaking up!

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Still hopeful that people can read the data: those without the vaxx are also fine and will face the future without fear of the deadly side effects. Aren't our human bodies created by God with an inherently powerful immune system to withstand these threats ever since day 1 of creation?

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