Jun 17Liked by SuperSally888

This is one of those horrific posts that it just doesn't feel right to 'like'

Sadly it is possible that the Phillipines was specifically targeted (along with China, Iran and several African leaders at a minimum). I read today that US military action has been ramped up in the Phillipines as Taiwan and China are not taking the poisoned war bait.

The USA, by employing biowarfare, has crossed a blood red line.

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Jun 17Liked by SuperSally888

Every country was a target and target! Only the governments falsify the data so that the genocide is not revealed. In Hungary, all data related to "covid" was encrypted for 10 years. However, there is not a person who does not know someone who was killed or made sick by the injection! Many have lost several friends and family members. Children too.

All the governments were involved, they will not be investigated!

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This vaxxines-for-children episode was among the most disgusting events of my lifetime. Now we find out Pinoy kids received government funded extra toxic doses. This boils my blood.

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Weird how basically hot lots went to countries that China hates and conservative voters in the USA. 🤔

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Say what now?

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I just read all the case notes for Lot FN4073. One 5-year-old girl was found Dead 1 day after her jab described only as "Cold" which might be related to the induced Nasopharyngitis symptoms


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Murder by any other name still smells rather rotten. Who will be their hero?!? Where’s a General MacArthur when one’s needed. US DOD did this; for shame!!!!

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Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and Karen Kingston both have valuable info on Substack. Two of the major issues facing humanity are the vaks adverse events and the substances being sprayed/inhaled daily through the unofficial yet obvious geoengineering programs. Https://geoengineeringwatch dot. org. Video there: The Dimming

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Unleash the Luna on these assholes

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