Yes, I have also raised the environmental issue of the ppe, and got no traction. It is interesting that the same people who are terrified of covid tend to be the people who are terrified of climate change, and they can't see that their response to the former is having a terrible impact on the environment. It is like the same people who a…
Yes, I have also raised the environmental issue of the ppe, and got no traction. It is interesting that the same people who are terrified of covid tend to be the people who are terrified of climate change, and they can't see that their response to the former is having a terrible impact on the environment. It is like the same people who are all for vacine mandates are all for bodily autonomy when it comes to abortion. They must be suffering badly from the cognitive dissonance...
Same people pushing plant based, with no concept that solely plant based is both poor nutrition and devastating for ecosystems.. what do they think fertilizers are made of? Where do all the insects and animals killed to stop them.eating the monocrops go?
Yes, I have also raised the environmental issue of the ppe, and got no traction. It is interesting that the same people who are terrified of covid tend to be the people who are terrified of climate change, and they can't see that their response to the former is having a terrible impact on the environment. It is like the same people who are all for vacine mandates are all for bodily autonomy when it comes to abortion. They must be suffering badly from the cognitive dissonance...
Same people pushing plant based, with no concept that solely plant based is both poor nutrition and devastating for ecosystems.. what do they think fertilizers are made of? Where do all the insects and animals killed to stop them.eating the monocrops go?