US CDC No Longer Requires Masking, even in most Health Care Settings. Ironically, Philippines has 8x fewer reported C19 cases and 4x fewer reported C19 deaths than US! Is Philippines Overreacting?
There is intel chatter about reinstating global lockdowns for the purpose of getting people concentrated in homes for a world-wide "announcement" or "reveal" vis-a-vis the on-going take down of the globalist cabal/elites. So will it be the White Hats who will fudge the numbers this time? It will be simpler to take down the internet and provide a single channel or source where all the people can tune in.
I am not sure that I buy the white hats as more than an elixer to trick even the woke into passive waiting for a savior rather than trying to change anything / fight back!
As for me, even before the IATF had lifted the mask mandate, I was already enjoying the freedom to breathe freely outdoors. Just want to show and influence as many people as possible that after almost 3 years in the Plandemic that there is nothing to be afraid anymore and the truth cannot be suppressed forever and is slowly waking up the people.
That what they say, indeed! We are saved by the filthy face rags that people wear and rewear!
They cannot conceive that the size of a viral particle small enough to be shed on breath (assuming it is a virus), must easily pass through a mask that a person can breathe through!
I have a friend that claims the death rate in Cambodia is very low because of the high vaccination rate. He refuses to accept that the low death rate is because they have very few over 65's, a very low obesity rate, plenty of sunshine and ivermectin.
Yes, I have also raised the environmental issue of the ppe, and got no traction. It is interesting that the same people who are terrified of covid tend to be the people who are terrified of climate change, and they can't see that their response to the former is having a terrible impact on the environment. It is like the same people who are all for vacine mandates are all for bodily autonomy when it comes to abortion. They must be suffering badly from the cognitive dissonance...
Same people pushing plant based, with no concept that solely plant based is both poor nutrition and devastating for ecosystems.. what do they think fertilizers are made of? Where do all the insects and animals killed to stop them.eating the monocrops go?
Controlling Filipinos
Episode 426 - Who Controls the News Controls the World
There is intel chatter about reinstating global lockdowns for the purpose of getting people concentrated in homes for a world-wide "announcement" or "reveal" vis-a-vis the on-going take down of the globalist cabal/elites. So will it be the White Hats who will fudge the numbers this time? It will be simpler to take down the internet and provide a single channel or source where all the people can tune in.
I am not sure that I buy the white hats as more than an elixer to trick even the woke into passive waiting for a savior rather than trying to change anything / fight back!
Under the guise of climate change.
As with the entire country of Cuba had been plunged into darkness by Hurricane Ian.
As for me, even before the IATF had lifted the mask mandate, I was already enjoying the freedom to breathe freely outdoors. Just want to show and influence as many people as possible that after almost 3 years in the Plandemic that there is nothing to be afraid anymore and the truth cannot be suppressed forever and is slowly waking up the people.
He's not an expert. He's just a regular MD.
The pro-vaxxers will tell you the case/death rates are lower in the Philippines because they ARE wearing masks.
That what they say, indeed! We are saved by the filthy face rags that people wear and rewear!
They cannot conceive that the size of a viral particle small enough to be shed on breath (assuming it is a virus), must easily pass through a mask that a person can breathe through!
More likely to be because our population is younger overall! Average age in the Philippines is about 26. Median age in the US is just under 40!
We have year round vitamin D via the sun, without a winter, even though white skin and avoiding sun is considered chic!
I have a friend that claims the death rate in Cambodia is very low because of the high vaccination rate. He refuses to accept that the low death rate is because they have very few over 65's, a very low obesity rate, plenty of sunshine and ivermectin.
Yes, I have also raised the environmental issue of the ppe, and got no traction. It is interesting that the same people who are terrified of covid tend to be the people who are terrified of climate change, and they can't see that their response to the former is having a terrible impact on the environment. It is like the same people who are all for vacine mandates are all for bodily autonomy when it comes to abortion. They must be suffering badly from the cognitive dissonance...
Same people pushing plant based, with no concept that solely plant based is both poor nutrition and devastating for ecosystems.. what do they think fertilizers are made of? Where do all the insects and animals killed to stop them.eating the monocrops go?