Thank you for the thorough analyses with even limited data.

This is what I don't understand- very early on, it was already clearly stated even by the US CDC that children and youngsters were not at risk at all for the so-called "COVID" whatever-it-was (a bioweapon, in my view). So why were they pushing these toxic shots on young people? Doctors, nurses, health center people who gave all these were all so ignorant, or blind, or brainwashed? Contrary to all the official pronouncements even?

What a giant evil program that was deployed upon the ignorant, unthinking, and brainwashed.

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Excellent use of vaesaware.com

God Bless Ms. Sally!

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Thank you Albert for your exemplary work, that allows me to do this!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 21Liked by SuperSally888

I have been blocked again by Christie Laura Grace on X, just as we were discussing the tragic effects of Pfizer jabbing in Philippines Children. In particular the work of David Speicher who showed that residual DNA contamination is not correlated with the number of Adverse Event reports, as discussed by Jessica Rose and Julian Gillespie in long interview hosted by Childrens Health Defense.


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It is definitely not stopping.

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