This is a beyond epic tragedy. Thank you for your vitally important reporting.

It seems odd to say in the same comment, but sincerely: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Have a happy Christmas SS and a very peaceful New Year.

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What methodology is used to measure excess deaths. My experience is that results can vary dramatically depending on method.

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For this article I used excel forecast (based on 2015 to 2019 registered deaths) to arrive at the expected number of deaths from 2020 to 2022.

If I use a 5-year average (2015 to 2019) to compare against the 2020 to 2022 deaths, then there would appear to be an excess of 413,242 deaths. This is clearly an overestimate, as deaths should naturally be increasing over time simply as a result of the growing and aging population.

If I compare 2020 through to 2022 against 2019, the last normal year, then I arrive at 311,889 excess deaths..

Using the excel forecast, I arrive at 286,889 excess deaths from 2020 through to 2022 from reported registered deaths. I beleive that the forecast method is likely the most accurate to apply to the Philippines. However, in terms of registered deaths, I am sure that authorities are delaying / not reporting on all deaths.

Irrespective of the method used, there are massive excess deaths that cannot be explained by anything except the genetic modification poison they labelled vaccines.

Maybe we will only, unaccountably find we have lost a million or two people, uncounted, at the next census?

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Pfizer, Moderna, etc, should be compensating the families of those they MURDERED. Pfizer, Moderna, etc, executives should be put on trial for continuing the Vax CARNAGE, knowing the DEPOPULATION demanded by the WEF Elite, carries on to this day. with no end in sight of common sense or even self-preservation being enforced by our useless governments and other, so-called, authorities.

Why does 'NO LIABILITY' continue for the murderers at Pfizer, Moderna, etc?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Qanon chatter has a new lockdown coming in 2024. Whatever the new THING will be will have nearly 90% fatality is the rumor I'm hearing. Check your local grocery. They're most likely prominently displaying gallon jugs of alcohol and bleach. Who told them to rearrange their displays as early as now?

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I sincerely hope that you are wrong. However, the immune damaged in our community are already susceptible to all sorts of bugs. If spikeopathy is progressive, then their health will likely progressively fail and surely with no need for any new pandemic.

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Billions will start dying in 2024, is what I'm reading on the conspiracy accounts I follow online. I'm glad you got to visit AU when you did.

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