Apr 1Liked by SuperSally888

Thanks for Philippine Statistics Authority data. I appreciate all the work you do.

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Until we allow individuals to make their own medical decisions and allow free speech so we can hear all the information to make our own informed decision we will get more of what we experienced in 2020, 21, 22 and 23. We don't need any government or WHO to override our individual sovereignty we never had before and everything was just fine, we also know from the recent that when governments and WHO gets involved with threats and regulations and injections, things go terribly wrong and sadly more suffering from their authoritarian rule is still to come.

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The new leading disease classes are horrifying, while the numbers coming down in general is a good thing, tho just in time for the next narrative from hell. With Apollo being crowned today, for the closing ceremonies in the breaking of the First Seal (corona of solar eclipse:Apollo’s crown). We just finished four years of Apollo as pharmakia emaciating the human family , next is Apollo as the sun to remove peace from earth. So we got that to look forward to.

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Without people like you SuperSally, it's so easy for authorities and MSM to provide us with false data, whether intentionally or unintentionally. God bless you more.

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