Great work, Sally. Thanks

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every extra injection causes an estimated 3% more deterioration in human natural immunity and will, no doubt, prove to have a serious impact on Life Expectancy.

Add this to the DEATHS caused by these deadly injections they pretend are 'VACCINES' and you have the perfect hidden CULL of humanity. Exactly as planned by the WEF's New World Order.

In addition to these murderous revelations that are slowly being admitted, the birth rate can be added to this depopulation plan because firtility is seriously impacted by the deadly 'vaxxes'.

Why else do Pfizer et al, demand ZERO LIABILITY for their deadly poisons? Unbelievable, but true!

The extract below is further proof of how deep this conspiracy is;

Amazon complied by adopting a “Do Not Promote” category internally for any anti-vaccine books. Emails show that this policy was requested by the Biden administration and when Amazon did not act fast enough, they faced continued criticism from the "Biden people" and the “the White House Taskforce.”

This won’t be surprising to readers who use Amazon or GoodReads. The sight clearly wants you to read and discover books consistent with the Biden administration’s policies on vaccines, race theory, censorship and many more topics. Recently, Regina Watteel, author of the book Fisman’s Fraud, told Redacted that she was not allowed to advertise her book on Amazon because it detailed how the Canadian government used fake science to implement vaccine mandates and lockdowns.

This is the kind of censorship the Biden administration is currently fighting to keep doing in the Supreme Court.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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The largest locally-owned bookstore in Omaha does but have any anti-vaccine books. I asked about Kennedy’s The Real Anthony Fauci. No copies. Do you have any on order. No, but we can order one for you. I said no thanks. Biden did not have to ask them to censor, because they have been following their own biases for decades.

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We have to fight back!

I have several Covid & Vax stories that I feel might help others realise they needn't remain silent and impotent in fighting the evil that has come to light since Covid was released to justify the depopulation CULL called Covid Vax!

These include my visit to a UK Vax centre wearing my Unvaxxed Club teeshirt, where I asked for any info relating to vax-related injuries and deaths caused by these deadly concoctions.

I wear similar teeshirts at least once a week while shopping. Teeshirts with 'Unvaxxed - we live longer' get noticed and some ask me to explain myself. I have no problem explaining my beliefs. I've never experienced aggression!

Why does Pfizer etc, dictate that 'NO LIABILITY' must apply for every depopulating injection?

If you are interested in my one-man mission to educate those who see my messages, I'm happy to elucidate!

Mick from Hooe (TN33 9HN) unjabbed to live longer!

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Any delay is unnecessary … data are like tax returns .. real numbers (amounts accrued) are facts that are recordable week by week.. remember the online worldometer? Death rates came in day by day.. and the figures were never disputed… now we get more and more delays on revealing real numbers on obituaries.. hospital deaths.. life insurances… medical records..which suggest some extra number crunching is going on.. hopefully not to reduce the actual numbers but checks to rule out discrepancies… you can make numbers say different things.

My money is on the belief that those who got us into this nightmare are doing their best to wriggle out of culpability… and using damage limitation to conceal the iceberg’s real size.

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