Chinese birth data will be even more interesting in the following quarters because despite a decreasing birth trend in Singapore, historically, births goes up vs previous year in the Year Of The Dragon. ie 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976.

you can see it in the first chart here


This might be the first Dragon Year that births goes down vs previous year in the last 50 years.

Not because of decrease of conception… more likely, miscarriages.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

Absolutely right! Year of the Dragon babies are very highly prized amongst Chinese Asians. I uploaded a 2000 to 2024 chart at the end of my presentation and the spike in births in 2000 and 2012 are clear. 2024 certainly looks like a special new low!

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May 22Liked by SuperSally888

I think it's both, miscarriages and conception.

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I checked the pediatric death rates for Singapore. Wow! Suddenly there are more than usual numbers of babies are dying in 2023. For babies under 1, death rate in 2018 was 1.7. It stayed at 1.8 from 2020 up to 2022, but then jumped to 2.2 in 2023. I think the loss of births will include infertility and pregnancy losses or still births. The rise in deaths in 2022 indicates that babies are not healthy!

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Did China use many mRNA shots or stick with their own brand?

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china doesn't use mRNA, Singapore uses mRNA

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Exactly, which is why I am thinking their birth rates would not be so dramatically affected

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Chinas population is dropping by increasingly larger amounts every year. 2023 was by 1 million, with deaths far out numbering births. This year should be worse. They've created a family unfriendly unaffordable culture.. never mind that apparently there are more abortions than live births each year.

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China only offered mRNA products to foreigners living in China (I remember reading this a while back). Their own population used their own products. We have no real idea what happened in China as I suppose the publicly released data is sanitized for public consumption.

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be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition......its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from ANY country in the world INCLUDING YOURS it currently has over 2,215000 signatures..all platforms and alternative outlets can be used

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May 21Liked by SuperSally888

Thank you for this very comprehensive report. Will share it.

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May 21Liked by SuperSally888

Why people are willingly taking the test ?? After 4 years… https://x.com/BNOFeed/status/1793000599883063602

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May 22Liked by SuperSally888

The only trust their government and msm...

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could it be related to election year in the States?

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The US is trying drum up bird flu fear... Covid-19 is no longer scarey enough for most places.

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Holy hell. What a nightmare. I can't believe they're still stuck in 2021 in Singapore. Even here in the Philippines there was a blurb on the news this morning about an uptick in covid, but "no need to tighten protocols" or whatever, thankfully. I don't think they could get away with it here. Or in the US or many other places. But I'm often wrong, so.. I really don't ever need to hear the acronyms "ECQ" or "GCQ" again!! And I never again want to see video of a young child being injected with poison mrna sauce at some community mass injection event on the news again. God help us!

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I Have NOT Been tasted for the China/USA bioweapon in 4 years and this people are panicking… ?? https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/test-kits-fly-off-the-shelves-as-covid-19-infection-cases-spike-in-singapore

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Ahh...forget COVID. Pole shift is where it's at now, Sally. Singapore, the Philippines, and the entirety of Southeast Asia will be underwater from sloshing oceans in late 2026-2027. They'll either die from the vaccine or die from 300-foot tall tsunamis, if they don't evacuate to another location.

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deletedMay 22·edited May 22Liked by SuperSally888
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Thank you for sharing your experience. What a travail! I wonder how the young men had to take Pfizer to complete military service are faring? There must have been many cases of myo- and pericarditis (and deaths), and like your son, Long-Covid which is really a cover-up for long-vaccine. In time, Singapore will run out of young people fit for military service, given their zeal in Covid-19 jabbing of the babies. How many will survive, with mRNA jabs added on top of the already heavy pediatric schedule.

The world's largest Darwin Event in progress.

I have heard of many adverse reactions following Sinovac, including some of my Hong Kong colleagues. Skin and autoimmune conditions, possible anxiety (anxiety may also be a natural and understandable reaction to the harm caused), that even 2 1/2 years later and many many rounds of Chinese medicine later (Western medicine did not help at all except to mask symptoms) is still problematic.

Are ivermectin and alternative treatments available in Singapore? Are you able to connect with local activists and injury-aware medical professionals there?

I pray for the governments to stop deceiving the people with regards to safety (efficacy was never there) and to start helping them to deal with the aftermath.

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