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Thanks SS. However loud the protests, demonstrations, nothing will stop the destruction of democracy in your country or worldwide. Please see my observations of what has already happened.


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The enemies of God are using as a final option either an man-made earthquake or medical tyranny which explains why they are rushing the 1869...

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The Cabal is threatening with a Turkey-like earthquake both Indonesia and the Philippines as reported by Benjamin Fulford - "The KM (Khazarian Mafia) is also trying to intimidate the Philippines into handing over its gold and other resources. The Philippine people are fighting back.

A Philippines court has issued an international arrest warrant for Bill Gates, who as the founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is “wanted in connection with hundreds of thousands of deaths, a number which cannot be estimated at present and is certain to increase exponentially in time.”

This arrest warrant is connected to the murder of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo which you can see in the link below.

A Philippine government source said “Bill Gates and David Rockefeller Jr. are involved. More threats/assassination attempts are being planned. The KM cabal is desperate for control of the Philippines.” Neither Mr, Gates nor Mr. Rockefeller were available for comment by the time this report went live."

See full report here -

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Great, guys

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Watch out for Rey Valero of Gising Maharlika. That guy is using this movement for his personal gain. They are radicals. Al established Gising Maharlika, but was kicked out of his own movement by dark forces around him. Don't let Rey purport to speak for antivaxers. He was nobody and nowhere to be found when you and I were fighting on the front lines prior to COVID. There are traitors amongst us. Caveat emptor.

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