May 21·edited May 21Liked by SuperSally888

What the Hell, Sally? Sure, he is eloquent.

In the end, these people talk like Marxists, despite the pretty, even moving, phrasing that can make one think they are hearing something else - because there are obvious right things to say and then most importantly - do.

Am I missing better qualities?

Yes, he has to thank his colleagues, of course. But what are the strings? What can any one or more call in? We saw the horrible fecklessness of our House here in the USA.

Yes, working for the laborers. The workers who go outside the country do get misused, at home and abroad. The Arab countries come to mind. But what the WEFers, the Oligarchs, the corporations (as part of the US and others think of as "protecting the laborers" is very different as we know from what they deserve. There are some Young WEF grads that do not march in the clone mold Kissinger desired yes - but.

The Philippines are important. Over my life I have met several great people from the Philippines. Hence, I am subscribed for your knowledge and insight. Thank you for keeping us to date.

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Yuck! Trouble there is, vast vast majority of Filipinos haven't the slightest clue about the implications of this coup. Most don't know about the globalist agenda, and won't believe you if you tell them about it. Most believe in "climate change."

(And to other matters, just read that some legislators - surely paid by Soros/Gates etc. - are pushing again to legalize divorce! That step will lead to the unraveling of the social fabric to become as wrecked and wretched as US society.)

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I find superstitious gullibility to authoritative narrative more regional than country specific. Most superstitions in theory seem to alleviate work requirements. It's Human nature to crave Garden of Eden. Virus & global warming prophecies so promise albeit falsely. Specific to PI they're very proud of their healthcare exports. Before covid they had a good reputation amongst Americans. My father was a nurse but post covid I don't feed into the glory. Since Balik Bayin health care is such a GDP staple as well as a source of pride and status amongst all socio-economic classes the bulk of the population from the hardened hungry poor to the soft rich will "turn over tables". The bulk of the population wants this and whatever else they can imagine. Hope I'm wrong but I'm not.

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Groan. Exactly what we don't need.

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Zionist lap dogs.

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